Green Belt Training
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Day 1-2: Define Phase

  1. Overview of Six Sigma Improvement Initiative
  2. Six Sigma Project Definition
  3. Statistics: Beginner
  4. Microsoft Excel and Other Software(s)

Day 3-5: Measure Phase

  1. Continuation Statistics: Beginner
  2. Data Collection
  3. Failure Mode Effect & Analysis
  4. Measurement System Analysis (MSA)

Day 6-8: Analyze Phase

  1. Root Cause Analysis
  2. Statistics: Intermediate

Day 9-11 : Improve Phase

  1. Design of Experiment (DOE)
  2. Process Capability Study
  3. Piloting a Solution
  4. Holistic and Systemic Approach
  5. Planning Implementation and Consideration BKM

Day 12: Control Phase

  1. Statistical Process Control (SPC)
  2. Reverse FMEA
  3. Live Documentation Update
  4. Metrics Monitoring
  5. Team Reflection
The following are the objectives of knowledge gained by the participants upon completing the course:

  • Able to understand and apply the concepts of basic statistics.
  • Understand the concept of Six Sigma Overview using DMAIC Model Approach.
  • Able to conduct an improvement project from DMAIC Model perspective.
  • Master all the essential systems of Six Sigma Green Belt level.
  • Learn necessary improvement and monitoring tool for improvement project (ANOVA, DOE, SPC).
  • Calculate tangible savings or cost avoidance from an improvement project.
This course is designed for senior technicians, engineers, executive staff levels and above that are involved in manufacturing.
The training can be conducted online via WebEx or in person onsite by our local representative either in a central location or at each site. Please contact our office ( for possibilities.

Note: For companies in Malaysia: DataLyzer in Penang is a HRD Corp training provider.

DataLyzer has 40 years experience implementing FMEA, MSA, SPC and OEE. We have experience implementing Six Sigma techniques in hundreds of companies all over the world in Automotive, Food, packaging, Medical devices, Aerospace, Semiconductor, High Tech. etc etc. Trainers teach based on years of practical experience.

Training can be combined with practical implementation including software implementation which guarantees the linkage between tehory and practical usage the day after the training.

Green Belt training can vary from 5 days public courses to 12 days in-house with projects.

Datalyzer offers multiple approaches depending on your requirements. In this page we have described the 12 day in house training but contact us to discuss a custom made approach for your situation.

In 12 days you will get extensive knowledge about the six sigma tools. During this program students will select a project and implement results. The project and results need to be presented. The results in the projects should exceed the cost of the training.

For more information on the 12 day training please see the green belt brochure.



Datalyzer is partner of ILLSI, which was founded as a partnership for greater understanding and standardization between Lean Six Sigma professionals in the UK, Switzerland, EU, Africa, USA and the Middle-East with a focus on providing International collaboration, common understanding and standards for both Lean and Six Sigma principles, tools and techniques. Through ILLSI we provide Accredited Lean Six Sigma Certifications through our online exams.  We offer all certification levels in 8 different languages.  Yellow Belt, Green Belt, Black Belt and Master Black Belt level.