APQP Training

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Application of APQP core tools or Six Sigma is required by more and more customers. This generally requires training in concepts of theory (i.e. in the APQP Process and FMEA, SPC, MSA/Gage Management, CAPA and OEE etc), and in the application (use and administration) of core tools for quality. DataLyzer can provide both the conceptual and theoretical training and the core tools for quality application training and in an integrated way.

To achieve the maximum impact of conceptual training and the application of the core tools you will need to:

  • Manage an integrated approach leading to continuous improvement.
  • Train all people in the core tools.
  • Use highly efficient tools and train people in the use of the core tool software.

DataLyzer strongly believes the training program should be an integrated approach where theory and practical application have a logical sequence. During theory training the trainer should know how theoretical methods will be implemented in the near future and during the software tool training the trainer will logically continue where the theory training stopped. Only a company like DataLyzer can provide this level of integration.

DataLyzer offers a complete solution. First, plant management is trained in a 2-day leadership training where all core tools are explained and how management can drive the continuous improvement process based on APQP.

Then, engineering and production management are trained in the core tool details. This training will go hand in hand with software implementation. The implementation of core tool software is desired to make the process much more efficient. Internal trainers can be trained to implement core tools across the company. When useful, computer based training can be offered.

DataLyzer also offers standard courses for FMEA, MSA and SPC. Customized courses can be planned and structured. Please contact our office ( for possibilities.