Newsletter October 2019

by | Oct 8, 2019 | News

In this newsletter we are pleased to announce an extensive online training portfolio with more than 50 courses in addition to our in-house training. We also share an article that dives into the Aerospace AS13xxx standards. Finally, we introduce our Brazilian partner Megabyte. We hope you enjoy our newsletter. Please feel free to reach out to us with any thoughts or suggestions. We’d love to hear from you. 

– The DataLyzer Team
 What’s new: E-Learning now available!

Some of the biggest challenges in continuous process improvement are the different levels of knowledge practitioners possess in the organization. Companies respond to this challenge by implementing training programs for green belts, yellow belts and black belts in order to standardize the body of knowledge understood at different levels of the organization.
In our software implementation projects for FMEA, MSA and SPC, training is a crucial part of the implementation, but it is always a challenge to train large numbers of people in the required core tools given the limits of time. Therefore, we are pleased to announce the introduction of an extensive online training portfolio with more than 50 courses in addition to our on site training.

Why online training?
Classroom training can be expensive. With classroom training it is hard to offer a complete training portfolio exactly at the right time according to the need of the individual employee.
Online training based on industry standards can significantly reduce training cost and offer a complete set of courses at the learner’s convenience. In addition, the system offers trainers numerous options for administration and reporting and even integration with your companies SCORM Learning Management System for large subscribers.
How it Works
We offer online training courses that can be followed using purchased credits. The credit system gives you complete control on how you implement the training program. You purchase training credits that can be assigned to any learner for any of the courses. The cost for a credit is $69 US for an individual down to $49 US for a corporate subscription.
In the online training portal, we differentiate Master Courses, Overview Courses and Targeted Courses. Master Courses provide in-depth training on a topic and cost 1 credit per learner per course. For example, there is a complete Green Belt Master course with 8 courses for about 56 training hours for 8 credits.
The Overview Courses provide high-level introduction to the topic/terminology and the Targeted Courses have a practical approach on a narrow topic (both 0.5 credit each).
For successfully completed courses you will receive a certificate. The E-learning portal can be integrated into your company’s internal learning system.
CEUs/RUs earned in this training are recognized by ASQ for professional recertifications and the training is available at your convenience.
Course Portfolio
The E-learning FMEA course portfolio includes both Design- and Process FMEA courses along with the new AIAG-VDA method. We also provide a training course on AIAG-VDA FMEA-MSR’s.
For MSA, we provide Measurement System Analysis and a Gage training course.
For SPC we offer Basic and Advanced SPC courses, an SPC for Business Processes course, and targeted training for Understanding Variation, Control Charts and Process Capability.
Finally, the E-learning course portfolio includes training for Quality Improvement and Lean Six Sigma.
For more details and brochures check
Must read: Aerospace Standard AS13100: A Sprint Toward Competitive High Ground

DataLyzer recently published a new whitepaper on the added value of our software modules to your zero defects program. This article poses the following question: Is Western aerospace manufacturing truly competitive in a global supplier environment? It notes AS13xxx standards are essentially a restatement of the APQP (Advanced Product Quality Planning) process developed and implemented by the North American Automotive industry in the 1980s and 90s. The article describes why these disciplines were developed and their exceptional results.

Each of several AS13xxx modules is described: AS13004 (Process Flow diagrams, FMEAs and Control Plans, AS13003 MSA (Measuring System Analysis) and AS13006 SPC (Statistical Process Control and mentions OEE as a complimentary analysis for manufacturing efficiency. The article summarizes each element along with important linkages and synergies between elements. Shortcuts and prerequisites to implementation are also mentioned.

In the SWOT analysis, Western Aerospace suppliers’ input disadvantages (wages and raw material costs) are cited along with how these advantages can be offset by improved processing efficiency. The conclusion reviews many benefits gained by adopting AS13xxx standards and suggests that timely adopters will begin gaining market share and prestige early and build a moat against global competitors. The conclusion urges us to action.

Read the entire whitepaper here.
Let’s introduce: Partner in Brasil: Megabyte
Carlos Wilson is CEO at Megabyte Tecnologia, a company he started in 1989 on Guaratingueta, in the state of São Paulo, Brasil. His main focus is on projects with DataLyzer International solutions. Carlos holds a bachelors degree in Information Systems and is an LSS Green Belt, currently training for a Black Belt certification, which enables him to lead several process improvement projects with DataLyzer in large companies such as Coca-Cola, Seara/JBS, Sadia, Crown-Cork, Smart Modular Technologies, AutoCam, among others. In his free time, Carlos loves to spend time with his lovely daughters, is an audiophile (enthusiastic about high-fidelity sound reproduction) and enjoys riding his motorcycle through South America. If you want to know a little more about Carlos, he is the kind of guy that never says no to an invite for a cup of coffee or a glass of wine.

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